This Museum is a jumble of information and is worth a visit but go to The Thailand-Burma Railway Centre if you want to get real solid information.
This is a museum exploring World War II through displays of antiques, aircraft & other wartime relics.

World War II Art Gallery and Museum is a private museum established by Mr Aran Chansiri, a jewellery entrepreneur in Kanchanaburi Province. The museum was founded in 1995. It is located near Khwae Yai River and River Kwai Bridge. A museum is a group of exhibition houses. There are various contents of exhibitions. Some parts are related to World War II, River Khwai Bridge construction, personal interests of the owner, and the jewellery trade.

The exhibition can be divided into 7 parts as follows.
1. Thai history and Thai-Burma wars, exhibiting wall paintings of Thai-Burma wars and collectables of the owners such as porcelains, mortars, guns, swords, and coconut graters.
2. River Kwai Bridge construction and Thai-Burma Railroad, exhibiting the model of captive houses in the World War II, models, photos, and paintings of captives’ lifestyle in the camp, photos and models of River Kwai Bridge bombarding, utensils of the captives and Japanese soldiers, vehicles of Japanese soldiers, etc.
3. Personal collectables such as stamps, clocks, coins, banknotes, stuffed dead animals, and musical instruments.
4. Mineral stones and decorations, exhibiting the examples of minerals such as Amethyst, White Jade, Rutile, and raw gems.
5. Thai clothing, exhibiting clothes of Thai women and paintings of Miss Thailand World from past to present time.
6. Vehicles of Japanese soldiers such as Jeep cars, motorcycles, and horse carriages.
7. Cave of men in prehistoric time, exhibiting paintings and models of human evolution from past to present time.

World War II Art Gallery and Museum is open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The ticket is 20 baht for Thai visitors and 50 baht for foreign visitors.